Jun 19Liked by Stuart Pennebaker

not stuart making me miss the laundromat!

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hahaha i'll report back next week......

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Jun 18Liked by Stuart Pennebaker

I really enjoyed this! Did you really see SJP?! And what a hip laundromat!!

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felicia i have seen her twice in a week! isn’t that crazy?! it’s hip but not as hip as in unit laundry haha :)

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Jun 18Liked by Stuart Pennebaker

Crazy! And if you hadn’t had to go to the laundromat you may not have seen her! I have a very funny SJP story but it’s too long for comments. I’ll try to write a condensed version and send to you.

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If the gorgeous girl in the perfect fitting jeans tells you her secrets please hit me up, I feel like nothing ever fits properly.

Also, reading "V." in the laundromat made me chuckle. Always look forward to missed connections :)

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will have you read V?! please tell me you've read V!

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I actually haven’t lol I have read Gravity’s Rainbow if that counts for anything

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